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Asset Control
by Matthias Hanitzsch-Moonlight/ on 08 Apr 2019

Searching for ADOs with ado_browse()

Here, I want to talk about ado_browse, the Formula Engine function to search for ADOs.

Let’s see a simple example in action:

acdba@acbox:~$ echo "ado_browse(\"symbol like 'C0.ISS%'\");" | ac_evalform -

You can see that it takes a query string and returns zero or more ADO IDs that match the query.

The following table lists common usage patterns:

Query ADOs returned
symbol = ‘C0.ISS.1’ ADO with the given symbol
symbol like ‘C0.ISS%’ ADOs with a symbol matching the given prefix
template = ‘C0_IN_T001_LSA’ ADOs with the given template
longname = ‘TERRAFINO CORP’ ADOs with the given longname
code = ‘ABC 123’ ADOs with the given translation code
attribute(‘BB_DS003_A’, now) = ‘US’ ADOs with the current value of static attribute BB_DS003_A = US
attribute(‘BB_DS003_A’, now) in (‘US’, ‘DE’) ADOs with the current value of static attribute BB_DS003_A as one of US or DE
attribute(‘BB_DS003_A’, ‘20190408:200000’) = ‘US’ ADOs with the value of static attribute BB_DS003_A = US on or after the given point in time

I should also not that you can use logical operators: not, and, or. And besides the =, like and in seen above, you also have <, <=, >=, > and is null. The latter only works for explicitly stored $NA values, which is not the same as an absent value.

  Queries are executed against the underlying databases and as a consequence of this pure derived attributes cannot be used.

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